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Magzter is the world's largest and fastest growing cross platform global digital magazine newsstand. Headquartered in New York, Magzter is registered as a Delaware C Corp. The Magzter app was launched in June 2011 and is available across multiple devices. Magzter stands out from other newsstands as it presents a unique revenue-share based business model to publishers, making it easy for them to distribute digital editions of their magazines globally with NO upfront cost. This has resulted in over 3000+ leading publishers uploading their content on Magzter and a staggering 7500+ magazines to choose from. Magzter is the only self-service newsstand that offers publishers a host of special tools that simplifies the digital publishing process; along with its proprietary Orey Click Publishing® System, it has facilitated the move from print to digital for publication houses the world over through a one touch process. Magzter also creates individual branded apps for publishers and service providers enabling them to stay connected with their target audiences at all times. Pushing boundaries with technology and staying true to the cause of digital publishing; Magzter gives its users a world-class reading experience. |
Engagedmediamags produces rich editorial content in key enthusiast markets including automotive, homes, outdoor and action sports segments. It carries a well-diversified group of products that have been around as long as 50 years. Our magazines, web sites, apps, books, products, and videos provide the best information to enthusiasts. Our magazine division (titles including Romantic Homes, Flea Market Decor, Victorian Homes, Gun World, American Survival Guide, Diesel World and many more) has proven over the years to successfully fulfil the needs of our readers, advertisers, and retailers. |