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Versailles Express - offer your customers a royal journey to the Palace of Versailles in Paris
Sell | 16.04.2016, 12:47
Versailles Express is the recommended coach of the Palace of Versailles that connects the Eiffel Tower to the most iconic Palace of France. The trip in comfortable double decker vehicles, allows you to begin their visit to Versailles on the atmosphere of classical and baroque music, for a journey into the heart of the history of the kings of France in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Beyond the transfer, Versailles Express also proposes packages, including the entrance in the Palace, allowing you to save time on their visit
WEB-SITE | Tags: tour to the Palace of Versailles, Versailles Express, palace of Versailles, shuttle chateau de Versailles
Views: 383 | Placed till: 16.12.2017 | Rating: 0.0/0